van der Loop, Janne
Abteilung Buchwissenschaft
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in
Philosophicum (1141)
Jakob-Welder-Weg 18
55128 Mainz, DE
Philosophicum - 03-512
Telefon: +49 6131 39 28507
E-Mail: jannevanderloop@uni-mainz.de
Website: https://www.jannevanderloop.com
Curriculum Vitae
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im DfG-project: Font Group Recognition for improved OCR.
Kodikologe und analytisch Bibliographe. Interessiert an dem (spät)mittelalterlichen und früh modernen Buch und mise-en-page.
- 09.2021 – 08.2022 University of Amsterdam – Master in book history.
- 09.2014 – 08.2016 Radboud University Nijmegen – Research Master Literary studies. Focus on history of the book in the late medieval periodand early printings. Unfinished.
- 06.2014 – 04.2015 Radboud University Nijmegen – Honours program, Beyond the Frontiers, research on the different editions of von ehelichem Leben by Martin Luther from a book historical point of view.
- 09.2010 – 08.2013 Radboud University Nijmegen – Bachelor of Arts in German Language and Culture. Subsidiary in Dutch and German literature.
- 08.2011 – 06.2013 Radboud University Nijmegen – Honours program, disciplinary, faculty of arts. Research on Fritz Rudolf Fries and autobiographical elements in his literary works.
- 09.2009 – 06.2010 HAN University of applied science – Propaedeutic exam in education in German
Research Projects
- 08.2015 – 12.2018 De Gulden Passer, Tijdschrift voor boekwetenschap, Journal for book history (Antwerpen) – Secretary for this scientific journal for bookhistory.
- 09.2014 – 01.2015 Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel, Germany) – Internship. Cataloguing of late medieval manuscripts, identifying of incunabula fragments, transcribing of psalms frommedieval manuscripts, writing of two research articles (in German).
- 07.2014 – 09.2014 Folger Shakespeare Library (Washington, D.C., USA) – Internship. Learning about the printing process and bibliography, finding out how many editions there are of 'Vom ehelichen Leben' by Martin Luther printed in the 1520s, writing of an article (in English) about this case study, about the used methods to identify different editions and print runs.
Kordon, F., Weichselbaumer, N., Herz, R., et al. (2024). fang: Fast Annotation of Glyphs in Historical Printed Documents. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (S. 377-392). Springer Nature Switzerland. DOI
van der Loop, J., Seuret, M., Weichselbaumer, N., Christlein, V. (2024). Optical character recognition for pages from early printed books with multiple font groups. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 99, 53-63.
van der Loop, J., Weichselbaumer, N., Kordon, F., et al. (2024). ICDAR 2024 Competition on Multi Font Group Recognition and OCR. Document Analysis and Recognition - ICDAR 2024. ICDAR 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14809. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Loop, J. van der, Loop, J. van der. (2023). Paul Schweitzer - Martin Kooperation und Innovation im Speyerer Buchdruck des ausgehenden Mittelalters. In Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte.
Loop, J. van der, Loop, J. van der. (2023). Thomas Kaufmann, Die Druckmacher. Wie die Generation Luther die erste Medienrevolution entfesselte. De Gulden Passer.
Seuret, M., Loop, J. van der, Weichselbaumer, N., et al. (2023). Combining OCR Models for Reading Early Modern Books. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (S. 342-357). Springer Nature Switzerland. DOI Author/Publisher URL
van der Loop, J. (2023). Hans Kienhorst & Ad Poirters, Book collections as archaeological Sites. A study of interconnectedness and meaning in the historical library of the canonesses regular of Soeterbeeck. With a catalogue of the Soeterbeeck collection, compiled with Eefje Roodenburg, and pictures by Anton Houtappels. De Gulden Passer, 101, 250-252.
van der Loop, J. (2023). Rosamund Oates, Jessica G. Purdy (ed.), Communities of Print: Books and Their Readers in Early Modern Europe. Quærendo, 53, 314-318. DOI
Loop, J. van der. (2022). Boekdruk in het donker. Brailledrukletters in Nederland van Chrysostomus van de Ven tot Dorus Nass (1868–1932). De Gulden Passer.
Loop, J. van der, Proot, G. (2017). Ex libris Bertus van den Belt, Streuvels-collectie van een uitzonderlijk niveau. De Gulden Passer, Tijdschrift voor boekwetenschap, Journal for Book history.
Loop, J. van der. (2016). Erzählend erinnern - Erzählstrategien bei Fritz Rudolf Fries.
Loop, J. van der. (2016). Neufund: Fragmente aus dem Druckprozess der Bibel GW 4219 von Sensenschmidt und Frisner (1475). Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 91, 93-104.
Loop, J. van der, van der Loop, J. (2016). A LOW GERMAN TRANSLATION BY ANDREAS DE ESCOBAR ’MODUS CONFITENDI’ IN WOLFENBUTTEL. Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Altertum und Deutsche Literatur.
van der Loop, J. (2015). Cod. Guelf. 1189 Helmst. Author/Publisher URL
van der Loop, J. (2015). Cod. Guelf. 36 Noviss. 12°. Author/Publisher URL
van der Loop, J. (2014). Cod. Guelf. 83 Noviss. 4°. Author/Publisher URL